Falling in love (for Leticia)

“Best that you can do” (is fall in love)

Arthur's theme – Christopher Cross

Instead of watching through windows
we could be trying to mend our lives;
instead of crying over our bed's pillow
we could be thankful of being alive.

Instead of wasting so much time
we could be happy of this tale,
instead of telling ourself lies
we could start to make it plain.

Among all the things I've done
the most beautiful of all
is to give you all my love,
and to write to you everyday.

A song of peace and fire,
one that's not of melting ice,
the greatest treasure acquired
is to share above us, the sky.

The funniest thing I've ever done
is to think that Earth's not Heaven,
that to be happy, first we must die,
that all I had to do was to pray.

No need for answers I have,
no clay to make any god,
no worry to keep my soul
after my body is freezing-cold.

All I've ever needed darling
is to meet someone like you,
then I would know that falling
in love was the best thing I could do...


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